Fiscal Year 2004 Tax Rates Certified
At a public hearing on March 16, 2004, the Board of Selectmen voted the minimum residential factor of .97005 for calculating the fiscal year 2004 tax rates. This resulted in a reduced residential rate from last year’s $16.78 to $13.46 and commercial, industrial, personal property (CIP) rate change from last’s year’s $22.26 to $20.81.
The new rates are calculated against the fiscal year 2004 assessments to determine the total tax which will appear on the fourth quarter actual bill. The bills will be mailed by April 1, 2004. The final payment is due on May 3, 2004.
An application for overvaluation on an aproved form, may be filed at the Assessors Office within 30 days of the issuance of the Fiscal Year fourth quarter (actual)tax.