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Notification of Preliminary Certification


November 16, 2018

| Assessors Office
| Automatically Archived on 11/26/2018

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Pursuant to the regulations and requirements established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Revenue, the Town of Sudbury Board of Assessors is completing the revaluation of real estate and personal property. The revaluation consists of a yearlong process involving many components. The first component of the program is a data quality review. While valuation tables are developed and derived from market driven conditions the data quality piece is extremely important. To ensure that assessments reflect the most accurate physical depiction of properties, cities and towns are required by state law to engage in a property inspection program. The cooperation of Sudbury property owners in authorizing property inspections is essential to a successful data quality program.

The revaluation process includes a public disclosure requirement to let property owners know of the new proposed values. A listing of all proposed property values is accessible on Sudbury’s website, and at the Assessor’s Office. In addition, the proposed values will also be available for review at the Town Clerk’s office, the Senior Center and the Library.

Property record cards will be provided at our office, by U.S. mail or by email. The Assessor’s office regular business hours are: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Thanksgiving week the office hours will be Monday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

The Assessor’s office is located in the Flynn Building, 278 Old Sudbury Rd. Our telephone numbers are: 978-639-3395, 978-639-3393 and the office email is: .  

The public review period is in place through November 26, 2018.

Utilizing the mass appraisal methodology communities are required to assess at 100% of fair market value. Assessed valuations are established as of a fixed point in time. The Fiscal Year 2019 valuations represent fair market value as of January 1, 2018. Market sales are the driving force behind property valuations. Calendar year 2017 sales were used in the FY 19 valuation model. Only those sales deemed valid or arm’s length were considered in this process. The term arm’s length refers to sales freely negotiated on the open market, without undue pressure from either buyer or seller.

The CAMA (computer assisted mass appraisal) system is used to calculate property values. Valuation tables and property factors are updated on an annual basis according the prior year’s market. Factors are adjusted to meet the requirement that the median assessment to sales price ratio (ASR) be within 10% of the fair market value. The adjusted tables and factors produce an updated computer model, when applied to properties then generates assessed values.

Overall value changes From FY 18 to FY 19 by property class:

  • Single Family Homes: +1.90%
  • Condominiums:  +3.70%
  • 2-3 unit Residential: +2.60%
  • 4+ Unit Residential:  +3.50%
  • Land:  0%
  • Mixed Use: +2.40%
  • Commercial:  +6.70%
  • Industrial:  +5.00%

The Sudbury Select Board votes on several tax policies, which affect property taxes. The tax policy votes take place annually at the Tax Classification Hearing.   The FY 19 Classification Hearing is scheduled to take place on November 27th.

The FY 19 assessed values will be reflected on the actual FY 19 tax bills (issued on January 1, 2019). Actual taxes are dependent on the Town budget voted at Town Meeting.

Our assessing consultant will be available to answer questions and/or meet with property owners. Please contact the office by phone at 978-639-3395, 978-639-3393 or by email at .

This preliminary review period will end November 26, 2018.


FY2019 Proposed Property Values

November 16, 2018

| Assessors Office
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