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Special Town Meeting to Consider Selling Old Police Station


January 6, 2016

| Facilities Department
| Automatically Archived on 2/10/2016

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A warrant article submitted by the Facilities Director requests that residents vote to sell the building and or land known as the Sudbury Police Station located at 415 Boston Post Road.  The Police Department took occupancy of the new police station at 75 Hudson Road on December 8th and the old station is now vacant.  This article will allow the town to capture the value of the land by the sale of the property, as well as the property taxes. Massachusetts General Law requires all disposition of property to go through a public solicitation of proposals.  This disposition process is time consuming but it is necessary to ensure that the Town’s interests are protected.  This Article will provide the authority to the selectmen to dispose of this property, and will limit unnecessary expenses to maintain the vacant building. Attached is a survey of public opinion on what the town should do with the old station.


Old Police Station Reuse Survey Final Results

November 6, 2015

| Facilities Department
| Updated

January 6, 2016

| Archived | Attachment Details