Town Completes Purchase of Johnson Farm
On Thursday, February 26, 2015 the Town purchased a significant portion of the Johnson Farm property from seller, Madison Place Sudbury LLC for the price of $2.9 million, preserving in perpetuity 33.48 acres of the original farm property. The property was approved for purchase at the December 3, 2015 Special Town Meeting, and ratified for funding at the December 9, 2015 Special Town Election. Funding sources included $1,834,000 from a Proposition 2 1/2 Debt Exclusion, $1.0 million from Community Preservation Act funds and a gift of $66,000 from the Sudbury Valley Trustees and their contributors.
The property is located on Landham Road, and abuts over 200 acres of preserved open space owned by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, the Town of Sudbury and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Over the next six months the Town and the Sudbury Valley Trustees will be working to create a trail into the property from Landham Road, including a small parking area so that the property can be accessed by many residents. The new trail will link to existing trails on the adjacent Lyons-Cutler Reservation owned by SVT.
Excluded from the purchase are 2 lots along Landham Road, which will be developed into single family dwellings.