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Peter Noyes and Nixon School Classroom Flooring Replacement


April 11, 2013

| Facilities Department
| Automatically Archived on 5/31/2013

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The Sudbury Public Schools, Massachusetts, invites sealed bids from qualified contractors to remove existing floor materials and to furnish and install floor tile and base molding in designated classrooms in the Peter Noyes School, 280 Old Sudbury Road, and Nixon School, 472 Concord Road, Sudbury, Massachusetts.   

Bids will be received by the Schools at the Office of the Facilities Director, 275 Old Lancaster Road, Sudbury, MA  01776, until 2:00 p.m. on April 26, 2013, at which time all bids shall be opened and publicly read aloud. 

contact Jim Kelly at 978-443-2209 for more information