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Classification Hearing held to determine tax burden


December 7, 1999

| Assessors Office
| Automatically Archived on 2/1/2000

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The Board of Selectmen held the classification hearing on December 6, 1999. The purpose of the classification hearing is to vote on the distribution of the tax burden to be shared among the various classes of property. The Assessors act as advisors to the Selectmen. They provide the documentation necessary for the Selectmen to make their determination relative to what percentage of the tax burden will be carried by the commercial, industrial and personal property classes. The total valuation of the Town increased from 1,929,814,400 (99) to 2,086,302,100 (00). The total levy (amount to be raised through taxation) is 35,804,459. Board of Selectmen voted to maintain the same shift as last yea (a CIP factor of 1.40), and a residential factor of (.971). The average tax bill increase is projected to be approximately 8%. Once the actual tax rates are certified by the Department of Revenue the rates will be posted.