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Budget Review Task Force Expense and Revenue Preliminary Reports presented to the Selectmen


December 17, 2008

| Budget Review Task Force
| Updated

November 7, 2014

| Automatically Archived on 4/30/2009

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For more information contact: Selectmen’s Office (978) 639-3380

A year ago the Board of Selectmen (BOS) established the Budget Review Task Force (BRTF) to study the Town’s recurring budgetary deficit situation and determine if there are ways, both in the short term and over the long term, to enhance revenues or reduce expenses beyond what the Town is already doing. The group consisted of citizen volunteers and included a selectman, members of the Finance Committee as well as members of school committees of both LSRHS and Sudbury Public Schools (SPS). Most of the members were citizen volunteers with little or no Town government experience but accomplished in business and/or finance. The group divided itself into a revenue focused side and an expense reduction side. They performed extensive research and work. The expense and revenue sub-committees have now produced preliminary reports which have been presented to the selectmen. The Expense Reduction Report contains several ideas and recommendations intended to reduce the cost of providing School and Town services. The Selectmen have accepted the reports and believe the recommendations deserve serious consideration with a view toward implementation. The Selectmen are releasing the reports for broad public dissemination. We ask that residents take the time to read the reports and to consider them carefully. We do so as a solicitation for public comment, critique and input. We believe the ideas and recommendations of the BRTF have merit, deserve further work and hope they will lead to viable cost-saving implementations. We recognize this will take time, however. The first of the BRTF’s Expense Reduction proposals involves having a single superintendent for both LSRHS and SPS. In view of Dr. Ritchie’s scheduled retirement and the need to hire a new superintendent for LSRHS, determining the viability of that proposal is our first priority.

Click here for the Preliminary Expense Reduction Report, dated December 15, 2008

Click here for the Preliminary Revenue Report, dated September, 2008

The Board welcomes written comment and input on either or both of these preliminary reports. Please write to Budget Review Taskforce Feedback, attention: Board of Selectmen’s Office, 278 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury MA or email comments to Regular mail and email writers are asked to provide their name and address for possible follow up when their comments are reviewed by the Selectmen. Non constructive comments sent anonymously by mail or email will not be reviewed or considered.