Housing Related Links
Here are some helpful housing resources:
- Published as a community service by the non-profit Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, this site http://www.massaffordablehomes.org/Default.aspx is designed to help low- to moderate-income homebuyers find a home they can afford, and educate them about the lottery and home buying process
- Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership provides a listing of affordable units for sale in the Boston and Metrowest area http://www.mbhp.org/index.asp
- CHAPA provides a comprehensive list of affordable housing lotteries and other information http://www.chapa.org/
- DHCD provides overall program guidance for the State and publishes much information http://www.mass.gov/dhcd/
- Mass Housing provides many financing options for both developers and potential residents http://www.masshousing.com/portal/server.pt
- Mass Housing Partnership sponsors many housing programs http://www.mhp.net/