Community Preservation Committee Solicits Proposals
The Community Preservation Committee is currently soliciting projects for review for the fourth round of funding under Community Preservation Act (CPA). Projects will be accepted through October 17, 2005. To download a Project Submission Form Click Here. Forms are also available at the Planning Board office, Goodnow Library and the Town Clerk’s office. CPA funds must be used or reserved as set forth in the Act, with a minimum of 10% of annual revenue used or reserved in each of the following categories: open space, community housing and historic preservation. The remaining 70% of the funds can be used for any of these purposes, plus recreation. All projects must be recommended to Town Meeting by the Community Preservation Committee. Residents or town boards cannot propose projects using CPA funds independently to Town Meeting. Project proponents will be notified of preliminary acceptance of their proposal, and will be scheduled to meet with the CPC later in the fall for development of a final list of project recommendations. Project proponents are encouraged to review The Project Submission Form for additional project requirements.
CPA funds are expected to again exceed $2 million in FY06. The Town anticipates receiving its third state match of CPA funds in October, 2005, in addition to local revenues of approximately $1 million. The 2005 Annual Town Meeting approved expenditures of over $3.8 million for 7 projects: Libby property open space preservation, affordable housing buy-down, Rail Trail feasibility study, completion of Cutting recreation field, Willis Pond dock, Hosmer House renovations, and historical property survey.
For a copy of the Community Preservation Committee’s 2002 report Click Here.