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Community Preservation Committee Solicits Proposals


July 31, 2006

| Community Preservation Committee
| Updated

November 7, 2014

| Automatically Archived on 10/14/2006

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Committee's Homepage.

The Sudbury Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is currently soliciting project proposals for funding in FY08 under the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Proposals will be accepted through October 11, 2006. The FY07 Project Submission Form can be downloaded by clicking the above link. Forms are also available at the Planning and Community Development Office in the Flynn Building and the Town Clerk’s office. CPA funds must be used, reserved or retained as set forth in the Act. A minimum of 10% of annual revenue must be used or reserved in each of the following categories: open space, community housing, and historic preservation. The remaining 70% of the funds can be used for any of these three purposes as well as the category of recreation, or can be retained for future use in all four areas.

All project proposals must be recommended to Town Meeting by a majority of the Community Preservation Committee. Project proponents will be notified of the acceptance of their proposal for further evaluation, and will be scheduled to present to the CPC later in the fall as it develops a final list of projects to recommend at the April 2007 Town Meeting. Project proponents are encouraged to review the Project Submission Form carefully for all project requirements.

Sudbury’s 2006 Annual Town Meeting approved nine projects in all four CPA categories, including four historic-related projects at the Wayside Inn, Loring Parsonage, Hearse House, and Town cemeteries; open space projects at the Wayside Inn and Carding Mill Pond; housing and recreation projects on town-owned land; a Housing Authority project related to purchase of units in 40B developments; and recreation projects including new walkways and a new community field complex.

In the fiscal year that ended June 30th, Sudbury’s CPA surtax raised $1,248,806. We anticipate another 100% match of these funds from the state, to be delivered to the Town in October of this year.

For additional information, please contact Jody Kablack at the Planning Office, 978-443-2209, ext. 1387, or log onto the town’s website at, and look in the Community Preservation Committee area.