CPC to Hold Public Forum on New Proposals for Funding
The CPC will be conducting a Public Forum on Wednesday, December 6, 2006, at 7:30 P.M. at the Lower Town Hall, to discuss and receive public comments on the list of projects submitted for funding under the Community Preservation Act. All interested residents are encouraged to attend this meeting to learn about the new proposals.
Project proposals:
1. 2007 ATM Town Center -$30,000 from Historic Preservation/Open Space/Recreation categories.
2. 2007 ATM Rail Trail Proposals (3)– Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Development Related Projects. $145,000 total from the Recreation category.
3. 2007 ATM Johnson land Acquisition (189 Landham Road) – $600,000 from the Housing/Open Space categories.
4. 2007 ATM Housing Trust Allocation – $200,000 from the Housing category.
5. 2007 ATM Carding Mill House Restoration – approximately $160,000 from the Historic catergory.
At the conclusion of the public forum, the CPC will begin work on a budget proposal and drafting warrant articles for presentation at the 2007 Annual Town Meeting. All recommendations for funding will require approval at Town Meeting. All expenditures will come from the Community Preservation Act fund.
The proposals can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the above links, or copies can be obtained at the Planning and Community Development Department, 978-443-2209, ext. 1387.