CPC to Hold Public Forum on 2004 Project List
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) of the Town of Sudbury will be conducting a Public Forum on Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, to discuss the list of semi-finalist projects for funding under the Community Preservation Act.
The semi-finalists include projects in the categories of open space, recreation and historic preservation.
The projects are:
1. Acquisition of land and development rights on the Cutting property, located off Maynard Road ($4,700,000);
2. Development of an active recreational field complex on the Cutting property ($600,000);
3. Development of additional walkways under the Town’s walkway program ($100,000); and
4. Survey work and restoration of the Town’s Revolutionary War Cemetery, located off Concord Road ($172,350).
At the conclusion of the Public Forum, the CPC will select project finalists and will begin work on a budget proposal and the drafting of warrant articles for presentation at the 2004 Annual Town Meeting. All recommendations for funding will require approval at Town Meeting. All expenditures will come from the Community Preservation Act fund.
The Community Preservation Act fund currently has approximately $1,600,000 on reserve, and approximately $1,800,000 in additional funds are expected in 2004.
Interested residents are encouraged to attend the public forum. To send an email to the committee Click Here.