Kind Community – Even If Memory Fades

Published December 23, 2019 | Commission on Disability | Automatically Archived on 1/31/2020

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Sudbury’s Senior Center provides a friendly, welcoming environment for citizens who are living with memory loss and their families and caregivers offering a monthly support group meeting, Comfort Food Caring Cafe, and Making Memories Cafe both monthly.  Day to day the staff and volunteers extend sensitive and helpful assistance.  Now, the Senior Center has begun the process of becoming a Dementia Friendly community. 

The Dementia Friendly Sudbury Action Team has begun offering Dementia Information Sessions to town staff and community members, as well as outreach on Dementia Friendly efforts to the business community.  The Team hopes to apply for Dementia Friendly community designation from Dementia Friendly America (DFA) in 2020.

DFA is a national network promoting ways communities across the U.S. can be equipped to support people living with dementia and their caregivers.

A dementia friendly community is one that

  • is informed, safe and respectful of individuals with the disease, their families and caregivers
  • provides supportive options that provide quality of life
  • fosters the ability of people living with dementia to remain in community and engage and thrive in day to day living

In our Commonwealth 160 communities are working to become more dementia friendly.  Town leaders, business members, faith communities, and ordinary residents can play a role in making it happen.

For more info on how you can do some of the simple things to make Sudbury truly comfortable and welcoming for our citizens with dementia, many of whom have given a lot to our community, please reach to Ana Cristina Oliveira at Sudbury Senior Center:

  • 978 443-3055