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Process to Exclude Property from Public Area Wide Pesticide Applications

State Regulation 333 CMR:13:03 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area wide pesticide applications.

In 2017, the Massachusetts Pesticide Board approved new regulations governing the pesticide exclusion process.  The new regulations eliminated the March 1st deadline and removed city and town clerks as the filing destination for the exclusion forms.  The new regulations specify that residents can file for exclusion at any time during the year and the exclusion will become effective 14 days from the receipt of the request.  Exclusion requests can be made to the Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) either by first class mail or by filing electronically on the MDAR website.

Information and registration forms for the new pesticide exclusion process, can be accessed online at

Questions regarding the exclusion process can be answered by calling Juan Carlos Gutierrez at the Mass. Dept. of Agricultural Resources at 617-626-1723 or by emailing

Questions on pesticide applications by the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project can be answered by calling (781) 899-5730.