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10. What are the benefits of a local historic designation?


October 19, 2016

| Historic Districts Commission
| Updated

December 4, 2020

10. What are the benefits of a local historic designation?


Local historic designation carries a certain cache and is one of the best ways to protect the historic character of buildings, streetscapes and neighborhoods from inappropriate alterations, incompatible new construction, and other poorly conceived work – including demolition.

A local historic designation offers the assurance that the distinctive architecture and aesthetic value inherent in the historic resource will remain for the enjoyment of future generations. Local historic districts encourage continuity of design, pride of ownership, and help bring an element of predictability to older, established neighborhoods.

The residents of historic properties and historic districts are usually proud of their unique structures and more often than not consider themselves stewards as much as owners. Local historic designation offers property owners an appropriate and time-tested way to shield these important community assets from inappropriate alteration.

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