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Sudbury Housing Trust Seeks New Members


May 10, 2018

| Sudbury Housing Trust
| Updated

October 24, 2018

| Automatically Archived on 11/1/2018

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The Sudbury Housing Trust is looking for new members.

The Sudbury Housing Trust was formed by 2006 Annual Town Meeting, with the objective to increase affordable and community housing, and the Trust has powers and duties that enable it to accomplish the objective.

This Town board is composed of up to 9 Trustees appointed by the Selectmen for two year terms. In making the appointments, the Board of Selectmen shall endeavor to provide a broad-based membership including legal, banking, financial and real estate professionals, non-profit and for-profit housing developers and other members of the local business community and affordable housing advocates.

Trustees are expected to prepare for and attend monthly meetings, to actively participate in the matters and projects of the Trust. The Trust is supported through technical and administrative staff from the Sudbury Department of Planning and Community Development.

Applications will be accepted until the vacant position is filled. Interested residents should submit the Volunteer Application to the Selectmen’s Office.

Please feel free to contact Meagen Donoghue,, at the Department of Planning and Community Development at 978-639-3398 for more information.