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Town Crier Op-Ed

1962 and 2001 Master Plan

In October’s edition, Master Plan Steering Committee Member, Jan Hardenbergh wrote an Op-Ed to the town Crier examining the 1962 and 2001 Master Plan. Hardenbergh recognized issues that were identified in 1962 were still issues in 2001. To read the full Op-Ed, please click here.


Bridging our History to our Future

In August’s edition, Master Plan Steering Committee Member and Chairman of Sudbury Board of Selectmen, Daniel E. Carty, wrote an Op-Ed to the town Crier discussing the linkage between our history and future.

Carty wrote, “The town has obviously gone through many changes since 1648, but also since 2001. The challenge facing the Planning Board and Steering Committee is how to address our future needs while…” 

To read the full Op-Ed, please click here.


Getting Where You Want To Be Is Not Easy In Sudbury

In July’s edition, Master Plan Steering Committee Member, Robert May wrote an Op-Ed to the town Crier discussing mobility in Town.

May wrote, “The value of effective solutions is high and getting higher because transportation is at the center of a wheel of critical needs with spokes including social participation (millennials will not move to Sudbury because…” 

To read the full Op-Ed, please click here.


Keeping Our Rural Character

In June’s edition, Master Plan Steering Committee Member, Jan Hardenbergh wrote an Op-Ed to the town Crier discussing changes in Sudbury and preserving the Town character. 

Hardenbergh wrote, “While we are no longer that rural small town, our rural character remains important to so many in the community. We need to find a way to protect that character, while…” To read the full Op-Ed, please click here.


Master Plan Update Introduction

in May’s edition, Planning Board Chair, Stephen Garvin wrote an Op-Ed to the town Crier discussing the Master Plan and its importance in Sudbury. Click here to read the full Op-Ed.