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Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Public Meeting Planned


June 8, 2006

| Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee
| Automatically Archived on 6/16/2006

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Committee's Homepage.

The Sudbury Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee (RTCAC) will be hosting an open public meeting on Thursday, June 15, at 6:00 PM in Town Hall to solicit comments from interested residents on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.

The Town is considering the development of a multi-use path (rail trail, multi-use trail or bike trail) along a 4.4-mile segment of State-owned railroad right of way, which has come to be known as the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. Maps of the corridor will be available for review beginning at 5:30 PM.

The goal of this meeting is to prioritize the issues most important to residents in advance of preparing the Environmental & Engineering Assessment report. A brief presentation by the Town’s consultant, Fay, Spofford & Thorndike (FST), will be followed by a workshop session. The ideas, comments and concerns raised at this meeting will help guide the preparation of the Assessment report. Over the summer months, the consultant team will collect data, prepare maps and evaluate key design issues. FST will present the results of the Assessment report at a public information meeting in November 2006.

Anyone interesting in participating is invited to this meeting. If you have ideas but cannot be present, please email your comments to