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01 – How will environmental damage be avoided?


March 29, 2007

| Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee

01 – How will environmental damage be avoided?


There are wetlands and habitat for rare and endangered species alongside the rail bed. Several vernal pools lie close to the railroad right of way. If the rail trail conversion proceeds, the trail will have to obtain permits. Construction of projects near wetlands are regulated by the Conservation Commission, and no permit will be issued unless the Commission is satisfied that the project will not adversely affect wetland functions, which include protection of groundwater quality, water supply, and wildlife habitat. A wildlife study would identify areas of particular concern. The project must be constructed in a way that protects the wetland from sedimentation and erosion and designed in a way to protect the wetlands from adverse effects of storm-water runoff. Examples of wetlands mitigation are provided by the Nashua River Rail Trail which passes through many wetlands.

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