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08 – How much control would the Town of Sudbury have over the design and construction process?


March 29, 2007

| Rail Trail Conversion Advisory Committee

08 – How much control would the Town of Sudbury have over the design and construction process?


If a lease is negotiated with EOTPW for construction of a rail trail on the section they manage, EOT may set some standards on what is built. EOTPW has not indicated any design restrictions except for a transportation component and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. EOTPW has not yet awarded a lease to any of the towns along the corridor. EOTPW would prefer the local communities complete a 75% or 100% design of the proposed trail first to indicate local commitment. If Sudbury decides to proceed entirely with local funding and can obtain a suitable lease from EOTPW, the Town retains complete control of all other aspects of trail design and construction.

If the trail is built using federal funding, the design, bidding and construction process must conform to state and federal standards. In this case, the Massachusetts Highway Department will manage and contract the project in coordination with the Town of Sudbury and the Federal Highway Administration, and the Town will have less control over the design and construction.