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What are the emergency closing and delay policies?


January 1, 2000

| Sudbury School Committee

What are the emergency closing and delay policies?


Recorded Announcement of School Cancellations and Delayed Opening

In the event of inclement weather, you may call any of the schools and dial
the school closing extension (after 6:00 am) for recorded information concerning
closings or delays for that day. The message will announce the date and the
nature of the cancellation or delay. On rare occasions, changing weather
conditions may warrant a change in the announcement. Therefore, it is advisable
to call again later to check if there has been a change.

Curtis: 443-1071 ext.3
Haynes: 443-1093 ext.3
Loring: 579-0870
Nixon: 443-1080 ext.444
Noyes: 443-1085 ext.3

In the event of inclement weather, announcements of school cancellations and
delayed openings will be made on the following radio and TV stations.


Call Number

WBZAM 1030
WMJXFM 106.7
WXLOFM 104.5
WBZTV Channel 4
WCVBTV Channel 5
WRKOTV Channel 7
WFXTTV Channel 25
WLVITV Channel 56


In the event that an emergency situation (caused by the weather or other
conditions) arises after school has commenced for the day, the Superintendent of
Schools or his designee, may decide to close school before the regular dismissal
time. Although school is seldom dismissed early, we feel it is necessary to be
prepared to meet the needs of our students and return them home as safely and as
efficiently as possible.

When school closes early, Curtis students will be dismissed first so they
will be home when younger ones arrive.

If a child has no parent at home and a neighbor’s house is not available, the
child will be taken to the home of the person listed as the contact on the
school’s Emergency Information Sheet until his/her parent can be reached or the
child is picked up.

If the person listed on the Emergency Information Sheet is not available, the
school will make arrangements for the child to stay at a safe place. The parents
will be notified by telephone of the location where they can pick up their

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