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L-SRHS 250th Essay Contest


March 28, 2025

| Sudbury 250 Committee

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Lincoln250 & Sudbury250 LSRHS Essay Contest Announcement

In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, the Lincoln250 and Sudbury250 committees invite Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School (LSRHS) students to participate in an essay contest. This is an opportunity to reflect on the historical significance of this milestone and explore how the history of our local communities has shaped our understanding of American history and the foundational ideals of liberty, equality, and democracy.

Essay Theme:

Students are encouraged to consider the following questions in their essays:

  • How has living near historic sites influenced your perspective on American history and the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?
  • In what ways do you see these promises fulfilled—or unfulfilled—today?
  • What actions, whether personal or local, can help ensure that these founding ideals are fully realized in our communities?

Essays may explore any of these questions or other relevant themes surrounding the significance of the nation’s 250th anniversary.


Three outstanding students will be awarded a prize of $200 each, along with recognition at a special award ceremony.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Essays should be no longer than 1,000 words in standard written English.
  • Evaluation Criteria – Clarity, feasibility, use of plausible examples, supporting events, originality of concepts, and adherence to the contest theme. 
  • No AI use permitted – essays must be the original work of the student. Cite sources when needed.
  • Please submit essays to

Important Dates:

  • Contest Launch: Monday, April 7th, 2025
  • Submission Deadline: Friday, May 2nd, 2025
  • Winners will be announced in May.

Our Evaluation Committee will read the essays and select three that best develop and communicate the students’ argument(s) in a logical and concise manner.  We encourage all LSRHS students to take part in this exciting opportunity to engage with history and share their insights on the enduring legacy of the American Revolution.

Thank you for participating.  We look forward to reading your essays!