Making the Connections Final Report
The Making the Connections (MTC) initiative was a transportation collaboration among the towns of Acton, Bolton, Concord, Maynard, Stow, and Sudbury. Funded by local resources and a grant from the Massachusetts Community Compact Best Practices initiative, MTC began in 2019 with an $80,000 Community Compact grant award to the Town of Sudbury, the overall program administrator. Although planned for 2020, the program launch was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In May 2021, the MTC communities jointly engaged Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates to provide transportation expertise and program management assistance.
MTC’s aim was to increase the availability of transportation for residents, in particular older adults, people with disabilities, those with financial vulnerabilities, and veterans to provide access to health care services, community resources, and economic opportunities. MTC sought to capitalize on new tools for requesting trips in real time rather than through making ride reservations.
This final report is a culmination of the data, findings, and lessons learned from the initiative.