Design Review Board Application & Procedures
The Design Review Board typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month based on the applications received. Applications must be received by 12:30PM on the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting.
Before you have your business sign made or installed you are required to get approval from the Design Review Board, and will need to submit the following information:
- Three (3) hard copy sign application packets with supporting documents.
- A single PDF via email of all application materials.
Please be sure to include the building frontage, as this is necessary under the sign bylaw to determine the allowable size of the sign.
If your application is complete, you will be placed on the next available Design Review Board agenda. You will be notified of the date and time of your review. A representative is required to attend the meeting. If your application is deemed to be incomplete for any reason you will be notified and told what materials/information is missing. Upon the submission of the outstanding items you will be assigned a meeting date.
You can find the Sign Application by clicking HERE. There is no fee associated with the Design Review Board.