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Phase 1/1A Sewer Project

Introduction and Background

Sudbury has been investigating wastewater options for the Route 20 Business District for decades. Septic systems continue to be an environmental concern due to the proximity of these on-site wastewater systems that discharge along Hop Brook and near the Town’s Municipal Water Supply wells located on Raymond Road, as well as a limiting factor to business expansion and/or actual relocation. 

From 2020 through 2022, Woodard & Curran, Inc. completed a town-wide wastewater study called a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan(CWMP). Woodard & Curran reviewed available wastewater needs, information including Health Department records, and zoning information to determine future uses. This work provided a basis to prioritize areas of the Town and identify the long-term sustainability of their existing on-site wastewater systems (septic) to see if an off-site wastewater solution better serves the identified need of environmental resource protection, drinking water protection and preservation and the support of economic development in targeted areas zoned as such. The CWMP process included numerous public outreach meetings, filing an Expanded Environmental Notification Form (December 30, 2021) with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office (MEPA), a draft CWMP and a final CWMP (September 8, 2022). Upon approval of the Final Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan, MEPA issued a Secretary’s Certificate and the Town’s Select Board accepted the CWMP in October of 2022.

This project is the first step in implementing the CWMP. The recommendations include a Phased approach for the Sewer Needs Areas where the initial phase consisting of Phase 1/1A includes the core Route 20 (salmon color) area (Phase 1) and Raymond Road South (yellow) area (Phase 1A). These areas are highlighted in both the figure above and the Google Map shown above and are recommended for offsite sewer solutions. The scope of the project is anticipated to include the following:

  • Route 20 (Phase 1) Sewers – The Route 20 area is anticipated to be sewered using a series of gravity and low pressure sewer pipes primarily constructed within existing streets. A small pumping station will convey all flows via a sewer force main to the WWTF.


  • Raymond Road (Phase 1A) Sewers – The Route 20 area is anticipated to be sewered using a series of gravity and low pressure sewer pipes primarily constructed within existing streets. A small pumping station will convey all flows via a sewer force main to the WWTF.


  • Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) – All wastewater flow from Phases 1 and 1A will be pumped to a new Wastewater Treatment Facility located at the existing DPW facility located at 275 Old Lancaster Road. The WWTF is anticipated to include the latest technology for a Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) providing a high level of treatment. The new WWTF will also support future sewer phases so portions of the facility will be constructed to meet all future needs but other facilities such as additional treatment tanks will be constructed as needed for future sewer phases.


  • Curtis Middle School Groundwater Discharge – All wastewater flow from the WWTF will be pumped to a groundwater discharge at the Curtis Middle School Athletics Field.



Project Schedule


CWMP, MEPA Review, Public Outreach (Completed)


Preliminary Work – GW Discharge Investigation, Historical/Archeological 


2025 Annual Town Meeting – Possible Design Article*


2026 Annual Town Meeting – Possible Construction Article*




Sewers Online*


* The pending (green) project schedule milestones listed above are subject to change based on permitting, approvals, funding etc.

▶ Download the 2022 CWMP Update Report

Phase 1/1A FAQs

Click on this link (PDF) to view a downloadable form of frequently asked questions about the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan.

Feedback / Comments

We welcome your feedback and comments, and we encourage you to provide your thoughts to ensure the wastewater plan is tailored to fit Sudbury now and in the future. You may submit your feedback and questions via email:


Register for Project Updates:


Together we build a better plan!

Public Outreach Schedule

Public Outreach via this website and other methods will be conducted throughout the Phase 1/1A project in order to educate the community and provide updated project information to the public.


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Phase 1/1A Public Outreach Meeting for Businesses: September 20, 2023

On September 20, 2023, the Town hosted a public outreach meeting for businesses in the Route 20 corridor regarding hydrogeological investigation and historical & archeological investigation efforts related to a new Wastewater Treatment Facility at the current DPW Site, groundwater discharge and the Phase 1/1A Sewer Project. 

Phase 1/1A Sewer Project at Truck Day: July 12, 2023

Goodnow Library’s Truck Day garnered a great turnout of families who took the time to stop by the Phase 1/1A booth to learn about the project.

Neighborhood Meeting: June 7, 2023

The Sudbury Department of Public Works and Town’s engineering firm, Woodard & Curran, Inc. hosted a public outreach meeting for homeowners residing in the Phase 1/1A Project areas (includes the core Route 20 area and Raymond Road South) to discuss the preliminary work for a phased approach to the Sewer Needs Areas recommended for off-site sewer solutions. You can view the recording of the meeting below, and download a Q&A (PDF) from the session.


Ongoing Efforts/ Housing Choice Grant

The Town has been awarded a Housing Choice Grant for $250,000 to continue public outreach, hydrogeological investigation and historical & archeological investigation efforts related to the WWTF, groundwater discharge and the Phase 1/1A Sewer Project. This work is anticipated to be completed in 2023 and early 2024. This website will serve as the centralized location to document the progress of the Phase 1/1A Sewer Project. 

Public Outreach Efforts

Public Outreach via this website and other methods will be conducted throughout the Phase 1/1A project in order to educate the community and provide updated project information to the public. 

Groundwater Discharge Hydrogeological Investigations Efforts 

A MassDEP-approved Hydrogeological Investigation Report for the Curtis Middle School was completed in 2010. As the Curtis Middle School remains the preferred site for discharge of treated effluent from the future WWTF, an update to this Report needs to be completed. This will include site investigations and installation of drive points and new monitoring wells at the Curtis Middle School site in order to develop a Ground Water Model to be used in a new Hydrogeological Report. 

Historical & Archeological Investigation Efforts 

A Project Notification Form (PNF) was filed with the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) as part of the CWMP and it was determined that before any preliminary design activities, a Reconnaissance Survey be conducted throughout the Project area. This includes all location with proposed sewer infrastructure, including the WWTF and the groundwater discharge site. 


Other CWMP Implementation

Future phases of sewer includes phases 2 and 3 which will also connect to the WWTF and groundwater discharge.

The remaining areas not identified as Needs Areas are proposed to remain with existing onsite septic or treatment systems under a Septage Management Plan.

The easternmost section of Route 20 requires further investigation as to whether a connection to Wayland would be a viable solution for that area.