EMMCC Executive Committee meeting scheduled
The Executive Committee of the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission will hold a joint meeting with the Suffolk County Mosquito Control Commission on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 1 PM. The meeting will be held in room 109 at the Hinton State Laboratory located at 305 South St. in Jamaica Plain.
Topics to be discussed include: (1.) A review of the minutes of the 9/29/2016 meeting. (2.) A report on West Nile virus and Aedes albopictus. (3.) Consideration of the proposed FY 2018 budgets for the Suffolk County MCP and the East Middlesex MCP. (4.) Progress report on hiring a new Administrative Assistant. (5.) Discussion on the process to replace the retiring Superintendent. (6.) Discussion on whether to offer an Early Retirement Incentive to a staff member of the East Middlesex MCP. (7.) Review and discussion of expiring building leases.