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Finance Committee - All Active Documents Include Archived Items

Finance Committee - All Active Documents
Title Date Categories Site
Dept of Revenue Real Estate Sales Data – Top Reasons to Visit
May 8, 2015 Information Finance Department
FY2022 Town Budgt Presentation 2021February23
March 16, 2022 Finance Department
FY2023 Town Budget Presentation 2022March1
March 16, 2022 Finance Department
FY21 GFOA Budget 3-3-2020
March 3, 2020 Finance Department
FY21 Town Manager’s Proposed Budget 9/12/2020
FY21 Town Manager's Proposed Budget  
July 28, 2020 Finance Department
FY23 Town Manager Preliminary Budget 1-31-2022
October 31, 2022 Finance Department
FY25 TM Proposed Budget 2-1-2024
February 6, 2024 Finance Department
FinCom Rules & Operating Procedures as of 11/2010
FinCom Policies & Procedures as of Nov. 2010  
May 6, 2015 Policy Finance Committee
Free Cash Primer
A primer and Division of Local Services discussion about Free Cash  
February 19, 2015 Information Finance Department
Fund Balances – Tutorial
A tutorial presented to the FinCom on 9/15/2014 that deals with Fund Balances  
September 16, 2014 Information Finance Department
Levy Limits: A Primer of Proposition 2 1/2
May 7, 2014 Information Finance Department
Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise Manual
Motor Vehicle and Trailer Excise Manual  
August 16, 2017 Tax Collector / Treasurer
Paid Taxes Statement Request
Use this form to request a Paid Taxes Statement (calendar year) for income tax purposes. Complete this form and return to the Treasurer's Office at  
March 28, 2016 Forms Collector / Treasurer
Parking Violation Appeal Form (PDF)
Form for requesting a hearing to appeal a Sudbury parking violation.

**Must be appealed within 21 days of violation**  

July 16, 2013 Forms Collector / Treasurer
Property & Excise Tax Information
Provides information regarding the Treasurer/Collector office responsibilities for collecting property and excise taxes.  
August 24, 2010 Tax Collector / Treasurer
Ratings Direct_Summary Sudbury Gen. Oblig. Note_June 12 2020
S&P Global Ratings Summary: Sudbury, MA; General Obligation; Note  
July 22, 2020 Finance Department
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Your Tax Responsibilities
RESPA and Your Real Estate Tax Responsibilities  
May 8, 2015 Tax Collector / Treasurer
Request Replacement Check from Town of Sudbury
Use this form to request a replacement check from the Town of Sudbury. Complete this form and return to the Treasurer's Office only if a check issued to you or your company has been lost, destroyed or never received.  
May 24, 2012 Forms Collector / Treasurer
S&P Sudbury Credit Rating 2021
January 6, 2021 Finance Department
Sudbury FY2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
June 2, 2021 Reports - Financial Statements Finance Department
Sudbury’s Town Trusts
Citizens of Sudbury have benefited and continue to benefit from the generosity of those who preceded them. Beginning more than 300 years ago, various trust funds have been established...(see full article for more details)  
August 26, 2021 Committees Collector / Treasurer
Town Investment Policy
January 14, 2022 Collector / Treasurer
Policy - Financial
Finance Department
Town Trust Fund Investment Policy
January 14, 2022 Collector / Treasurer
Policy - Financial
Finance Department
Tutorial-Funding Capital Expenditures
A presentation made by the Finance Director about the various ways a community may pay for capital expenditures.  
September 16, 2014 Information Finance Department

Showing 24 of 24 documents from Finance Committee

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