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Small Grant Program Information

(Sticky Post) Published

February 9, 2020

| Sudbury Housing Trust
| Updated

April 21, 2020

| Automatically Archived on 4/20/2020

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Committee's Homepage.

The purpose of this grant program is to provide assistance to moderate income Sudbury residents to make repairs and alterations to their homes for safety and health reasons.  The small grant flyer  provides more information.  The Small Grants Program Application is designed to be simple and quick, with grants awarded for up to $5,000 each. The Small Grant Program Agreement is a document that the recipient of the grant will need to sign. Applications can be submitted twice a year on or before March 30 and on or before September 30 for a grant awarded in May and November respectively.  Please contact 978-639-3397 for Small Grants Program Application information.