All News for Master Plan Steering Committee

Community Conversation Materials

Transportation, Mobility and Connectivity The first community conversation is taking place this Thursday, October 10, 2019. Please find the materials for the meeting below: Agenda Snapshot of Transportation in Sudbury Transportation Words You Might Hear … More

Community Conversations

Join the Conversation! For the past few months, we’ve met with and listened to Sudbury residents to understand what they see as the Town’s assets, current challenges, and future needs. Now, it’s time to dive … More

Truck Day

The Master Plan Update tent was quite busy at the Truck Day event at Goodnow Library on July 10th. There were lots of coloring, bubbles, and hearing from kiddos about their favorite activity spots in … More

First Public Forum A Success!

More than 50 residents attended the first public forum of the Master Plan update on May 22, 2019, at the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. In small groups, attendees talked about the important assets of Sudbury … More