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Our Public Records Access Officer is Julie Nichols-Scopa.  In order to best complete your public records request there is a link for online submission below, a form available at the front desk of Police Station … Read full article

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Recently coyotes have become a major concern to residents due to their more aggressive behavior and their attacks on domestic animals. The Sudbury Police Department has been, and will continue, responding to calls for service … Read full article


As required by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90 section 26, “Every person operating a motor vehicle which is involved in an accident in which any person is killed or injured or in which there is … Read full article


We gladly do fingerprinting for residents of the town. There is no fee and they can be done on any shift. However, you should call before coming down to make sure there is someone available … Read full article


Yes there is. You get two free false alarms per calendar year. The third false alarm is $20. The fourth false alarm is $35. The fifth and every subsequent false alarm is $50.


The initial 10MPH over the speed limit is assessed a $50 fine. In other words, there is a flat fee for the first 10MPH. Each MPH above the initial 10MPH is then calculated at $10 … Read full article
