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Sudbury Continues Progress in Opposing Eversource Project


April 1, 2016

| Select Board
| Updated

April 4, 2016

| Automatically Archived on 7/1/2017

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For immediate release:

The Sudbury Board of Selectmen is actively working toward a viable solution to the Eversource proposal to place a transmission line through Sudbury. The Board confirms its opposition to overhead power lines in Sudbury, and will pursue every avenue to achieve this objective, including retaining legal counsel.  

At this week’s Executive Session, the Board of Selectmen met with the newest member of the legal team, Attorney George Pucci of Kopelman and Paige.  Attorney Pucci has experience in administrative law, and has successfully litigated cases against NStar and T-Mobile.  

The Town will be prepared to appear as an Intervenor, with the appropriate and necessary experts, to represent the Town’s interests when Eversource’s application comes before the Energy Utilities Siting Board.  

In addition, the Town entered into a contract with the Government and Public Affairs firm O’Neil and Associates in order to facilitate communications with relevant government bodies regarding the Eversource project. O’Neil and Associates will begin talking with State agencies and personnel.

The town has also engaged Michelle Ciccolo of The Ciccolo Group as a planning consultant for the Eversource project. Ms. Ciccolo has been assisting the town in various capacities.  She  has extensive experience working in Hudson as the Assistant Town Administrator and as Hudson’s Community Development Director. Ms. Ciccolo’s extensive and diverse background, in working with state and regional committees will be valuable as the Town interacts with state agencies and procedures.

The Town will also consult with our legislative delegation, neighboring communities, interest groups, environmental groups, and individuals who have an interest in the outcome. A decision on the most effective strategy to succeed requires more information and input from our team. Our objective is to be in the best possible position to intercede as soon as Eversource files a petition with the siting board.   

In the meantime, the Town Manager, Board of Selectmen Vice-Chair Iuliano and other members of the team will soon be meeting with Eversource representatives to discuss the project, communicate our position, and discuss alternatives to the proposal including the “under the streets” option.  

Sudbury believes any outcome should protect the environment, avoid visual pollution, and minimize all adverse impacts. Sudbury also believes it is in the interest of all parties, including Eversource, to achieve a solution using information provided by experts.


Board of Selectmen Press Release - April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016

| Select Board
| Updated

November 28, 2018

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