Call For Sudbury Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers
The Sudbury Board of Health is seeking individuals who are interested in joining a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). MRC units are community-based organizations that rely on volunteers to assist in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies. The MRC units can also be called upon to help with routine events in your town, such as the Annual Flu Clinic, Health Fair, or Public Health Outreach.
We are seeking the following volunteers:
1. Medical, Public, and Mental Health Professionals: doctors, physician’s assistants, nurses, pharmacists, medical technicians, counselors, social workers, psychologists, veterinarians, epidemiologists, EMT’s, etc.
2. Volunteer Coordinators: People who are interested in organizing meetings and developing and maintaining the Medical Reserve Corps
3. Clerical Support: greeters, registrars, general administrative help
4. Security: traffic flow, parking, etc.
5. Transportation: to help people get to our dispensing sites.
6. Child Care: for our other volunteers
Benefits of volunteering with the Sudbury Medical Reserve Corps:
1. Serve your family, friends, neighbors and loved ones in your town and beyond
2. Be part of a team trained to provide medical, public, and mental health support during an emergency
3. Network with other medical and public health professionals, as part of a critically important and specialized team
4. Participate in initiatives that enhance and strengthen public health such as vaccination and health education programs
5. At their sole discretion, MRC trained volunteer can volunteer to be part of a team mobilized during a national emergency such as Hurricane Katrina
6. Free training and continuing education credits — learn about:
o Personal safety in emergency situations
o Sheltering
o Emergency management
o Incident Command System
o Become familiar with existing local emergency plans, procedures, and facilities
We will be hosting an informational session to share information about MRC’s with you. This informational session will be held at the
Lincoln-Sudbury High School Auditorium
390 Lincoln Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
Thursday, June 22, 2006, 8:00 – 9:00 PM
If you are interested in volunteering for the MRC, but cannot attend this meeting, please send the following contact information to the Sudbury Board of Health, 275 Old Lancaster Road, Sudbury, MA 01776. We will use this information to notify you of future MRC meetings.
For more information of MRCs, visit the Federal Medical Reserve Corps website or contact Bob Leupold, Sudbury’s Health Director at (978) 443-2209 X 1366 or