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Verizon FIOS


April 8, 2008

| Department of Public Works
| Automatically Archived on 6/30/2008

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From the Director of Public Works:

 White Mountain Cable Construction, the subcontractor for Verizon, is a professional company, very cooperative and more than willing to work with residents of the Town to make fiber optics available to everyone. Before they start on your street, a bright orange notice will be hung on your front door. If there are any questions or concerns, please call them directly.

The following letter is from Verizon. The project will take approximately three years.

Dear Homeowner,

 White Mountain Cable Construction, LLC is an authorized contractor for Verizon.  They will begin installation of conduit to support fiber optic cable in your community within the next few days. This construction is part of a nationwide project designed to advance the state-of-the-art for voice, data, Internet and other services by extending the fiber directly to each home.

 All of this work will occur in the public rights-of-way and within utility easement areas.  This work may require that we dig holes or drill underground.  To minimize any inconvenience to residents and businesses in the area and to reduce the impact on local streets during construction, we will use the latest installation techniques and use existing underground conduit pathways whenever possible.

 The first indication of this work will be colored lines painted at various locations on the street and in the grassy areas around the community.  These markings are required by law to indicate the location of existing municipal and public utility lines in the area.  The painted markings will fade and disappear over time.

 During construction, there is a possibility that homeowners will see altered terrain in front of their homes, but within the public right-of-way.  Verizon’s goal is to perform our work as unobtrusively and quickly as possible.  Verizon will restore the altered terrain to its original condition.

 When we have completed the work, if loaming and seeding is required in front of your property, please water it to help it get established.  There may be temporary asphalt or concrete repair to your driveway or sidewalk.  If so, a qualified crew will return as soon as possible to make the permanent repair.

 Our goal is to perform the work quickly and cause the least amount of disruption.  Any damage we made to your personal property will be repaired.  In the event that our efforts cause you concern or inconvenience, please contact our contractor, WMCC, LLC at:


If you have any of the following, please call so we can be informed of their location.

 * Sprinkler System   * Invisible Dog Fence  * Private Lighting