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Am I being forced into this aggregation program?


January 18, 2023

| Energy and Sustainability Committee

Am I being forced into this aggregation program?


Participation in the Community Aggregation program is voluntary and you can leave the program at any time without fee or penalty.

In 2017, at the time of creation of this program, in accordance with Massachusetts state law, all Sudbury residents who had not previously selected 3rd party “energy” providers were notified and were automatically enrolled in the program. In that notification, they were also given the option to opt-out as well.

If you recently moved into the town and when you call(ed) Eversource to establish your electric service, the Community Aggregation program is the default “energy” provider, while Eversource is the “transmission & distribution” provider. 

To opt-out and/or opt-in, and for any other information, please visit: Sudbury Community Electricity Aggregation