All News for Fairbank Community Center Study Task Force

Fairbank Community Center: Future Options

The Fairbank Community Center has been a valuable community resource since opening its doors in 1983. To address a number of issues that have arisen over time, PROs Consulting was hired to conduct an analysis and report of the current conditions and optimal solutions. and options are now being evaluated for presentation at 2018 Annual Town Meeting. More

“Future of Fairbank Community Center” Presentation on 2/1/18

The Fairbank Community Center Study Task Force will host a presentation and proposal by PROs Consulting for a new Fairbank Community Center at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 1, 2018 in the Senior Center, Sudbury Pines Room at the Fairbank Community Center, 40 Fairbank Road in Sudbury. Tours of the Fairbank facility will be given from 5:30 pm – 7:00pm. More

Fairbank Community Center Survey

The Town of Sudbury desires to update the Fairbank Community Center. The Park and Recreation Department and Sudbury Senior Center would like your input to help determine what the priorities for an expansion of the … More