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The Finance Committee is sponsoring a Public Forum for the FY07 Budget.


March 13, 2006

| Finance Committee
| Automatically Archived on 3/21/2006

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The Finance Committee is sponsoring a Public Forum for the FY07 budget to be held on March 20, 2006 at 7:30pm in the Lower Town Hall. Helen Casey from the League of Women Voters will be moderating the event which will give the taxpayers of Sudbury the opportunity to ask questions of the local officials involved in the development and preparation of the town’s budget. Panel participants include representatives from the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committtee, Sudbury Public Schools, Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, and the Town Manager. The Finance Committee encourages the public to attend the forum or to view it on Channel 8, Sudbury’s local access cable television station.

The public is invited to e-mail any questions they may have about the FY07 budget to any time prior to and during the forum or to call in their questions to a telephone number that will be displayed on the screen during the live broadcast. Channel 8 will rebroadcast the program between the night of the fourm and the Annual Town Meeting, which commences on April 3, 2006 at 7:30pm.