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FAQ’s About COVID Vaccines, Testing and Quarantine/Isolation

(Sticky Post) Published

January 19, 2022

| Health Department
| Updated

January 21, 2022

| Automatically Archived on 2/28/2022

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Department's Homepage.

The Health Department has been inundated with questions about Vaccinations, Vaccination Status pertaining to testing, Testing (where to get tested and types of tests) and Isolation and Quarantine Protocol. We understand that there is an abundance of information out there. Keeping up to date and informed of the evolving COVID-19 virus is difficult and complex. The links below will direct you to current information that will answer the most frequently asked questions surrounding COVID protocols at present.     

Why CDC Shortened Length of Isolation and Quarantine for General Population. 

Staying Up To Date With Your Vaccines.

Isolation and Quarantine Guidance for the General Public. 

Advisory Regarding COVID-19 Testing.