Sudbury/Wayland residents who use the Transfer Station
Town of Wayland
Dear Sudbury and Wayland Residents Who Use the Transfer Station/Recycling Center:
The Town of Sudbury and the Town of Wayland jointly started a pilot weekday project on September 28 to allow residents of either Town to use the Wayland Transfer Station at 484 Boston Post Road, Wayland on Tuesdays or the Sudbury Transfer Station at 20 Boston Post Road,Sudbury on Thursdays. As part of this pilot project, Sudbury’s Transfer Station will be closed on Tuesdays, and Wayland’s Transfer Station will be closed on Thursdays. On Saturday, residents of each town will continue to use their own Transfer Station.
Why a Pilot Project? Because both Towns are committed to examining ways to reduce the cost of municipal services through improved cooperation and sharing. We believe in the short term, we can reduce the cost of our solid waste management program through sharing of staff time during the week, when both transfer stations are less busy. And in the longer term, we are examining whether we can further reduce (or at least prevent future increases in) the cost of providing this service for our residents. If the pilot project is successful, we will continue to look at ways we can cooperate between Towns for solid waste related costs, such as jointly bidding disposal costs for solid waste and recyclable materials or even fully merging the management and operation of the two Transfer Stations. Through this, our goal is to maintain a high level of service while keeping the price of the service as low as possible.
What will it mean for users of the two Transfer Stations? Below is the operations schedule for the two Transfer Stations, as well as other important information for you to be aware of. There are some differences you will have to adjust to if you use your neighboring town’s Transfer Station, and you will need to follow the rules and regulations of each transfer station. In particular, recycling is handled differently at the two Transfer Stations. Copies of both town’s rules and regulations will be available at each Transfer Station and are further available on town web sites, as follows:
Wayland’s rules and regulations can be found on Wayland’s web site at
Sudbury’s rules and regulations can be found on Sudbury’s web site at
What if I have concerns about how the pilot project is working? First, we ask for your patience as we work to make this process go as smoothly as possible. We will be learning and adjusting in the first few weeks and we are sure there will be issues we have not anticipated. Second, we encourage you to give us thoughtful feedback on the specific issue you are encountering so we can work to make it better and/or include it as part of our data when we evaluate the pilot project in the spring. On the reverse of this letter are the email addresses and phone numbers for providing this feedback. And if you think the pilot project is successful, and we should be continuing our work to achieve savings through closer cooperation with our neighbor Town, we would like to hear from you as well.
Who authorized this pilot project? The Boards of Selectmen in Sudbury and Wayland voted to authorize this pilot project, and they will also be the entities to approve any efforts to further consolidation plans.
Sudbury TS closed.
Wayland TS closed.