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Community Forum: Rescue MetroWest Wildlife from Rodenticides


March 5, 2025

| Conservation Office

Monday, March 10: Hybrid Meeting 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm at the Lincoln Public School Learning Commons, Ballfield Rd, Lincoln, MA or Register to join via Zoom. 

Raptors, coyotes, and other predators balance Massachusetts’ ecosystems. But shocking numbers of these iconic creatures have been sickened and killed after eating poisoned rodents. Mass Audubon’s Rescue Raptors program supports groups in communities across Massachusetts to reduce the use of these poisons, and wildlife advocates in MetroWest have organized local campaign teams. Join Rescue MetroWest Wildlife for a gathering to learn how rodent poisons harm wildlife and their plans to reduce rodent poison use in Lincoln, Concord, Sudbury, Wayland, and Weston.

Photo Credit: Northern Saw-whet owl, Jennifer Johnston

Sponsored by: Lincoln Land Conservation Trust & the Concord, Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, & Weston Conservation and Natural Resources Departments.

More info about SGARs and their effect on wildlife can be found on the Conservation Department’s page, here.
