Narrated by Sean Barrett, Resident of Sudbury

First floor

Store Room

Before the Hosmer family purchased the house, this room was the Sudbury post office and a general store. The original PO boxes are displayed with the names of town residents in the l800s. On the Concord Road side of the room are books with photographs on a pedestal that show the house as it was before renovations were done in the early l980s.

Most of the room as seen today is original, with some renovations. The narrow wooden beams on the storeroom ceiling are original. The wider cross beams were added later to cover the steel beams that were installed for structural support. The original floorboards were refinished in l978.

The counter is original. The shelving was added later. The large barrel was used for storing molasses. There’s also the family butter churn and Florence’s desk.

Under glass in the front corner of the room is a ledger from the 1800s. Handwritten entries recorded goods that people bought and what they paid. Next to the ledger, also under glass, is an old document that may have been an artist’s workbook.

In the south corner of the room is Florence’s original studio sign advertising her art on one side and the tea room on the other side. It was displayed at her studio on Newbury Street in Boston. On the table next to her sign are her original palettes and some of her brushes. In the same corner are several paintings of local buildings from the era.

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