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New Development Bylaws Approved by Attorney General’s Office


July 30, 2009

| Planning Board
| Automatically Archived on 12/31/2009

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The Stormwater Management Bylaw and the Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw, both passed at the April 2009 Annual Town Meeting, have been confirmed by the MA Attorney General’s Office. Confirmation is the final stage in approval of the bylaws for enforcement by the Town.

The most significant aspect of this is the requirement for many development permits to now apply more stringent standards to drainage, erosion and sedimentation control. Stormwater permits are issued by the Planning Board, however permitting authority can be granted to the Conservation Commission if wetland permitting is required.   The full text of the Stormwater Management Bylaw can be downloaded here.  The Planning Board and Conservation Commission are promulgating regulations for the administration of the new bylaw, which are expected to be approved in September, 2009.  For more information, please contact either the Planning and Community Development Dept. at 978-639-3387, or the Conservation Commission at 978-443-2209, ext. 1370.

The full text of the Accessory Dwelling Units Bylaw can be downloaded here.