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Zoning Revisions Proposed for 2011 Annual Town Meeting


March 16, 2011

| Planning Board
| Automatically Archived on 5/12/2011

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In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 5, the Sudbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 8:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 322 Concord Road, Sudbury, Massachusetts concerning the following zoning articles on the Warrant for the May 2, 2011 Annual Town Meeting.

 1.  Amend Zoning Bylaw Section 4300, Wireless Services Overlay District, as follows:

a)   Section 4330. Location, by deleting the first sentence reading “The Wireless Services Overly District shall include those parcels of land owned by the Town of Sudbury, which is held in the care, custody, management and control of the Board of Selectmen, Park & Recreation Commission, and parcels of land owned by the Sudbury Water District, as of the effective date of this Bylaw, as listed below:” and substituting the following: "The Wireless Services Overlay District shall consist of the following parcels of land:"
b)   Section 4334 to exclude parcels identified as Assessor’s Map No. L08, Parcels 008 and 009, and Assessor’s Map No. M08, Parcel 021, located in the Raymond Road well field/Feeley Park area.
c)    Add a new section 4346, which shall read as follows:
 4346. On all property and buildings owned by the Town of Sudbury, exclusive of school buildings and cemeteries, freestanding monopoles which are no higher than 80 feet, or roof or facade mounted equipment provided it is not higher than 20 feet above the highest point of the roof.
d)   Section 4345 to delete the word “or” between the words “cells or panels, and add the words “equipment buildings or cabinets” after the word “panels”, so that section reads as follows:
Changes in the capacity or operation of a wireless service facility which has previously received a special permit under this Bylaw, limited to an increase or decrease in the number of antennae, cells, panels, equipment buildings or cabinets, or the number of service providers (co‑locators), shall be permitted, subject to Site Plan review under section 6300 of the Zoning Bylaw and authorization from the lessor of the property.
e)   Delete section 4363 in its entirety.
f)   Section 4371 to add the word “and adjacent public roadways” at the end of that section so it reads as follows:
A color rendition of the proposed facility with its antenna and/or panels at the proposed location is required.  One or more renditions shall also be prepared illustrating the visual effects of the facility from prominent areas and adjacent public roadways.
Click the following link to view the complete 2011 Revision to Wireless Overlay District Bylaw with the proposed revisions highlighted.
2.  Amend Zoning Bylaw section 2230 (Table of Principal Use Regulations) to permit use #C.11 (retail stores and services not elsewhere set forth) in Industrial and Limited Industrial Districts;
Click the following link to view the complete  2011 Revisions to Principal Use Table – Retail Use in Industrial Zones with the proposed revisions highlighted.
                                                                                    Michael C. Fee, Chairman
                                                                                    Sudbury Planning Board