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The state EOTPW will lease the rail bed to the Town of Sudbury at no cost. The acquisition cost to Sudbury for the CSXT rail bed authorized at 2008 Town Meeting is $420,000.


EOTPW will lease the rail bed to the Town at no cost for transportation purposes. A rail trail is considered a transportation use of the rail bed. Rail trail design must be well underway before … Read full article


The Town would need to gain access to the rail bed through purchase (as with the CSXT right of way) or lease. A lease from EOT may constrain the type of rail trail that is … Read full article


No one organization has the final authority. For the trail to go ahead, positive decisions will be required by Sudbury Town Boards and Commissions, Sudbury Town Meeting and the state Executive Office of Transportation EOT. … Read full article


If the trail is to be constructed with partial funding from the Federal transportation act, the Town must commit itself to funding its fraction of the total cost, approximately 10%. The Town’s fraction is usually … Read full article


If a lease is negotiated with EOTPW for construction of a rail trail on the section they manage, EOT may set some standards on what is built. EOTPW has not indicated any design restrictions except … Read full article


The Town of Sudbury may decide to fund the rail trail entirely out of local funds, including property taxes, CPA funds and private donations. A second option is the combined use of local, state and … Read full article


The town has the opportunity to consider building a public amenity along a public right of way. It may become part of a regional trail connecting Lowell and Framingham if other towns along the right … Read full article


The Town of Sudbury may choose to pay for its fraction of the costs directly through a property-tax levy via an article at Town meeting. Alternatively, the Town’s fraction may come from CPA funds. Any … Read full article


The preliminary engineering and environmental assessment cost $25,000 and was funded at 2005 Sudbury Town Meeting through the CPA. At the 2007 Sudbury Town Meeting, the Town authorized spending an additional $15,000 to verify EOT’s … Read full article