Where do I apply for a DBA Certificate/Business Certificate?
Where do I apply for a DBA Certificate/Business Certificate?
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All fictitious name certificates for businesses (commonly known as “doing business as” or “DBA” certificates) are filed with the Town Clerk. The DBA files allow consumers to identify and locate the proprietor of a business which goes by a name other than that of the proprietor. Sudbury maintains a database of DBA information which includes records for the preceding five years. Once filed, a certificate is valid for four years. The fee for filing is $50.00 and can be paid by check or online here.
What is a Business Certificate and Who Must File? Click here for DBA Form Click here for DBA Changes Form The contact information for the Sudbury Town Clerk’s Office: Building: Town Hall Email: clerk@sudbury.ma.us Phone: 978-639-3351 Fax: 978-639-3340