Annual Town Election Monday March 25th
The Annual Town Election is Monday, March 25th. The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. There are two polling places; Precinct 1, 2 and 5 will vote at the Fairbank Center on Fairbank Road and Precinct 3 & 4 will vote at Town Hall, 322 Concord Road. There are sixteen positions being filled.
Board of Selectmen: John D. Drobinski*
Board of Assessors: Liam J. Vesely
Goodnow Library Trustee: (2) Hans D. Lopater*
Robert W. Iuliano
Board of Health: Brian J. McNamara
Moderator: Thomas G. Dignan, Jr.*
Park & Recreation Comm. (1) Peter S. Glass
(Contested Race) Joseph H. Mullin, Jr.
Planning Board: Michael J. Hunter*
Sudbury Housing Authority: Steven J. Swanger*
Sudbury School Committee: (2) William G. Braun*
Richard J. Robison*
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional: (2) Ragnhild (Renel) Fredrickson*
Lauri Wishner*
*Candidates for re-election
There are two questions on the Ballot. If you have any questions please call the Town Clerk’s Office 443-8891 ex 450.
Shall the town of Sudbury be allowed to assess an additional $2,999,995 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding $1,599,687 in operating expenses for the Sudbury Public Schools, $575,100 in operating expenses for the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District High School, $715,321 in operating expenses for other Town departments, $41,887 in operating expenses for the Pool Enterprise, and $68,000 in capital expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and two?
Shall Sudbury accept sections 3 to 7 inclusive, of Chapter 44B of the General Laws, in accordance with the summary which appears below?
Section 3 to 7 of Chapter 44B of the General Laws of Massachusetts, also known as the Community Preservation Act, establish a dedicated funding source to acquire and preserve open space, parks and conservation land, protect public drinking water supplies, and scenic areas, protect farm land and forests from future development, restore and preserve historic properties, and help meet local families’ housing needs. In Sudbury, the Community Preservation Act will be funded by an additional excise of 3% on the annual tax levy on real property and by matching funds provided by the state. The following exclusions shall be permitted:
- Property owned and occupied as a domicile by any person who qualifies for low income housing or low or moderate income senior housing in the Town, as defined in section 2 of said Act:
- Class three, commercial, and class four, industrial, properties as defined in G.L. c.59, Section 2A; and
- $100,000 of the value of each taxable parcel of residential real property.
Any taxpayer receiving an exemption of real property authorized by Chapter 59 of the General Laws shall be exempt from this Act. A Community Preservation Committee composed of local citizens will make recommendations on the use of the funds and all expenditures will be subject to a vote of Town Meeting and an annual audit.