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Norway Maple


The tree is usually 40 to 60 feet tall but in some cases has been reported of growing up to one hundred feet tall. The canopy is rounded and can spread 60 to 80 feet wide. The leaves are oppositely arranged and have 5 lobes. The trunk has grayish brown bark with regular shallow groves. It can be readily distinguished from other maples because the leaves and twigs ooze milky white sap when cut or torn.

Many of the features that made this a desirable tree to plant by roadsides are also why it has become invasive. Being hardier than many native tree species has allowed it to out compete and thrive. The ability of this species to grow in deep shade makes it particularly threatening to native forest habitats. Like many invasives, its ability to grow quickly gives it the upper hand when gaining control of an area.


Hand pulling is acceptable for small saplings of this species, with mechanical removal and a “cut-and-dab” chemical treatment needed for larger trees. Make sure to bag all limbs that may contain seed pods to prevent the spread of the plant.