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Town Center Project Update – April 2015


April 9, 2015

| Planning & Community Development
| Automatically Archived on 5/24/2015

This Post has been archived and its content might be outdated. If you are looking for recent content, please check this Department's Homepage.

Residents will soon be seeing indications of the Town Center intersection project commencement in the Town Center. The DPW Dept. and the contractor, E.L & T., have begun planning the schedule of work for the upcoming construction season. The construction trailer, or portable office for the contractor, will soon be located near the bus lot behind the Peter Noyes School.

 The project will start with drainage work along all the project roadways – Concord Road north and south, Hudson Road, and Old Sudbury Road. Drainage pipes and catch basins will be installed to collect stormwater runoff and discharge it to the new detention basin at 15 Hudson Road (completed last fall) and into Cricket Pond at Heritage Park.  This drainage work will be a significant environmental upgrade to the area, which currently has very little stormwater collection or treatment. Erosion control barriers will also be installed within the project boundaries.

 Major construction activities are expected to occur during the day, and work that will disrupt traffic flow in the center will avoid commuter and school opening times whenever possible.  If road closures or detours are anticipated, notifications will appear on the Town’s website, and electronic and other signage will be used to notify residents of the dates and times. Any necessary detours will be coordinated by the Sudbury Police Dept.  All construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2015.

To stay current on this project please continue to check the Town’s website as the project progresses. For more information, questions or concerns please contact the Engineering Department at 978.440.5489, or the Planning and Community Development office at 978.639.3387.