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Sudbury Stormwater Management Program


April 11, 2022

| Planning & Community Development
| Updated

August 8, 2023

In order to protect our natural resources and reduce the risk of flooding and damage to our infrastructure, the Town must follow best management practices required by the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit, recently reissued by the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Sudbury’s Commitment to Clean Water and What YOU Can Do To Help


Stormwater Drainage and Compliance Presentation

At the June 25, 2019 Board of Selectmen’s Meeting, DPW Director Dan Nason and stormwater management consultant Woodard & Curran presented an overview of the MS4 General Permit and the Town’s 5-year plan for compliance. The presentation and plan are available for download below.


Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) outfall inspections program information

Department of Public Works letter to Residents

Sudbury’s Commitment to Clean Water Flyer 

Stormwater Management Program Plan

This plan will be updated annually to accommodate refinements to our stormwater management needs, goals and cost-effectiveness of various actions. The plan will also reflect changes within receiving waters (as reported by MS DEP) to ensure we are best protecting resources as we understand changing environmental conditions.


Stormwater Management Program Plan 2023

Stormwater Management Program Plan 2022

Stormwater Management Program Plan 2021

Stormwater Management Program Plan 2020

Stormwater Management Program Plan 2019 

Help Keep Our Rivers and Streams Clean

Think Blue Massachusetts offers useful information on how residents and businesses can do their part to reduce polluted runoff and keep our lakes, river and streams clean and healthy. Visit their website to learn more and be sure to watch the 30 second video on stormwater pollution.