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Sudbury Housing Production Plan Final Draft


September 26, 2024

| Planning & Community Development

The Department of Planning & Community Development is excited to share the final draft of the Sudbury Housing Production Plan. This is a great opportunity for the public to review the final draft of the plan. Please note, this is a working document for discussion purposes only.

The Housing Production Plan describes how the Town of Sudbury plans to create and preserve affordable and mixed-income housing as well as stabilize housing for existing residents and create more housing options in the community. This plan has been prepared per the requirements of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), formerly the Department of Housing and Community Development, for an HPP. This report is intended to serve as the Town of Sudbury’s Housing Production Plan (HPP), a state-recognized planning tool that, under certain circumstances, permits municipalities to influence the location, type, and pace of affordable housing development.

Any final questions or comments should be submitted to Ryan Poteat or 978-639-3388 before 12:00 PM Friday October 4th, 2024. Be sure to include the page and paragraph number with your comment(s).

