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2009-2013 Open Space and Recreation Plan Complete


July 2, 2009

| Planning & Community Development

 The Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee is pleased to announce the completion of the 2009-2013 Town of Sudbury Open Space and Recreation Plan.  It is hoped that this report will be put into active use by the Community Preservation Committee and other boards and committees in determining priorities for future land purchases, as well as by the Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission and other town boards in long range planning efforts related to real property.  We hope that the methodologies and findings of the report will be widely discussed among town boards and committees, and its recommendations implemented where applicable. 

This report utilized the skills and ideas of many Sudbury residents, and the committee sincerely thanks all those who contributed to it. 

The 2009-2013 Open Space and Recreation Plan can be downloaded as a .pdf file.  Reference copies of the Plan can be found at the Goodnow Library.  Copies of the Plan are also available to residents at the Planning and Community Development Office upon request. Please email, or call 978-639-3387 to obtain a copy.